Michelle is a Bad Ass Blogger!

Just a quick update, and then I’m off to shoot in lower Manhattan. Miss Moon’s Musings has chosen me to be their first Bad Ass Blogger feature of the year! In the interview I talk about my roots in photography, my overall style and what it takes to get THE photo. I also reveal that I will be giving away prints throughout the year! [read all about it here]

Check out the post and also subscribe to Miss Moon, as she delves into her life in Brooklyn and all the music, fashion and beauty along the way!


Bikes and Photography @ The NYC Bike Show

This past Saturday an old friend from Junior High School and fellow photographer, Lerone Ault and I trekked through the snow and traffic to hit up the Jacob Javits Convention Center… NYC BIKE SHOW Baby!!! Bikes and Photography, all in one place! I was in heaven! Most fun I’ve had all year 🙂

This blog post will have no fluff. Lets get straight to the pictures that were all detail shots taken with my macro lens.

The Oz Trucking Bike custom painted by MackAir out of Florida.

A booth vendor with all sorts of bike parts on sale.

The bike was leaning, not me : )

A dope, reflection shot of Lerone and I on the “Cobra” bike. This may make it to my banner for the blog! Epitomizes my photography style!!

A beautiful lady (with her cutie pie son) from Blaque Pearls MC out of Harlem. Lerone just loved her dreads…as did I. I can’t imagine how freaking sexy she looks when she rides!

This by far, is one of my FAVORITE PICS of ALL TIME!!! It was taken at the Nikko MotoRacing booth. I loves (yes, loves) it! I nearly missed this shot, bc at one point we were at one side of the booth talking with the exhibitor (read: Lerone talking to the exhibitor, me checking my makeup in the mirror LOL!!!). It wasn’t until we went full circle around the showroom floor then double backed that I stumbled upon this gem, metered it and snapped a few. Will you just look at that bokeh … I will be ordering this as a large scale print very soon!

The US Marine Corp Bike on a rotating display. It took a lot of acrobatics to get this shot, that and actually crossing the barricades they had up 🙂  Anything for the picture!! Gotta love the uniform button detail on the frame.

Tattoo Tony, well what can I say about this photo, besides HE”S HOT!!! and trust me I’m not your typical biker chick that loves tats and all that, because I don’t, but HE’s HOTTTTTT…Long hair don’t care…I love it! I cut a couple of people off just to get this pic. How gracious he was to pose for me and it looks like he knows his angles too!  Check out his shop Under My Skin in NJ.

This was one of the bikes in the Great Biker Build Off Competition to be aired on the Discovery Channel. “Details” is my middle name.

Another detail pic of the Donkey Punch Bike built by Chaos Cycles out of LI. They actually won the competition! Here’s George from Chaos sitting on “my” bike for an interview at the show. link to video.

Lerone capturing “Jewel” from Lady Unity Rydaz out of New Jersey.

As always, feel free to download any items you’d like as wallpaper by going to the flickr page. Message me if you’d like to purchase a print to hang or to give as a gift! Oh and here’s one of me with an old riding buddy from Ruff Ryderz (credit: JR). Have fun looking and downloading and see you next year, Bike Show!!

Bike show Teaser!

USMC Bike with button detail, originally uploaded by bikerchic650.

Blog post on the NYC Bike show at the Javits Center to come this week!

-Michelle 🙂

2011 Vision Board

2010…Oh how I am so glad that last year is gone and never to return. 2010 was an incredibly difficult year for me. Every month was like a soap opera playing out, from January right on down to December. I had, not one but, two immediate family members pass away back to back (one in February and the other in March). A cancer scare in April, surgery in May, and a whole lot of sickness, recovery, PAIN and overall grief from June until December. Overall, I am grateful for (most of) those experiences and to be here still standing; And that my passion and ABILITY to perform as a photographer has not waned in any way. Trust and believe, I don’t take anything for granted these days.

With the New Year like a field of fresh snow, most folks are trying to seize the opportunity and use it as a clean slate to start anew. By resolving to do things like smoking cessation, spending more time exercising and less time eating junk, etc., with the hopes of improving their quality of life. Resolutions have NEVER been my thing. So when I met an incredible group of women via Thirdage.com that introduced me to The Vision Board concept back in 2003, it was a bandwagon I jumped on immediately!!

The result: what started out as just writing down aspirations and “wants” for myself, have turned into a full-fledged, poster sized collage, backed with foam board that hangs as art in my apartment. My vision board is pretty elaborate, but trust me it wasn’t always this way and by no means should you go all out like I have.

Old Board circa 2007:  Essentially the new board contains the same vision(s) but it has more dimension…

My 2011 Board 🙂

A few tips to creating your vision board-

*Set some time aside to figure out what you want- write it down and be specific. A good example of this would be: “a fulfilling career in ___” vs. “a good job”, “sultry vacations in Cabo with my wife” vs. “a romantic weekend”, etc. It’s also OK to put physical things on the list- mine has photography and makeup equipment, and the car(s) I would like to own.

*All the things you want, MUST BE ABLE to live harmoniously alongside each other, obviously that would mean on the board as well as in real life 🙂 I.e: My own need for travel and my desire to be commissioned for more destination weddings. The universe is very “choosy” and if you throw things out there that cannot exist alongside each other…Well, you might end up with some things coming to fruition and others… not so much. Which reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of Tales from Crypt surrounding the Monkey’s Paw, lol.

The harmony is pretty apparent here:

*This is the fun part: using the list you made, look online, and in magazines for images that represent your visions. Respect your desires from the gate by using high quality (color) images, it makes it all more real as opposed to clipping things out of a newspaper or printing in b/w. In the process, Google Images will become your best friend! Don’t worry about missing your target by being too specific. If you want  “A zen bedroom with romantic lighting and platform bed” search and ye shall find! Tip: Give yourself a couple of days in advance to begin collecting pictures for the board.

*Arrange your collage before you begin securing it to your backing. Try to work out a flow…remember,  ♪♫♫harmonious♪♫  is the key here :). Ideally, your board should be seamless, in the sense that it should flow from one desire to the next. A tip: Put your priority in the center and work your way out, transitioning into everything else.

*Have FUN with it! I invited my good friend over and we spent the day watching feel good movies and eating comfort food while we clipped and arranged the pictures. In turn, we were able to advise each other on positioning and composition.

*Feel free to embellish it. Use markers (or scrap-book supplies if that’s your thing). I find that writing specific notes and affirmations all over help to channel exactly what i am looking for.

*When done, post it in a conspicuous place. Somewhere that you can see it when you wake up and when you go to sleep. If you work odd hours that may mean you will have to take a picture of it and upload to your Ipad as wallpaper. Extreme, but it will work for someone in Med School/residency/a night job, etc. My board hangs on a wall in my living-room. Remember you’re doing this to remind yourself of your long and short term goals and where your focus  should be should you get side tracked.

There are a number of videos on Youtube that illustrate how to build a vision board. I linked to Erin over at Scandalous Beauty, who I normally watch makeup tutorials by.  Also, be sure to check out The Secret’s website that has some goodies like a blank check that you fill in and WORK toward attaining.

Good Luck! Do message me (or comment) if you want more info on this project.

[link to all pics]

Boxing Day at Font Hill Beach

The day after Christmas my family and I piled up in our neighbors minivan and headed to a beach in the parish, Font Hill Beach! What an intriguing place! Font Hill is all volcanic rock adorned with fossil impressions. It’s utterly amazing how earth can “check you” in a moment and let you know just how old she is.

If anyone knows me they’ll know I could not pass up this Honda CGL 125 motorbike in the parking lot… and its almost as if that Ethiopia sticker was made for the bike 🙂

I normally don’t texturize my pics, but i felt this image was just crying for it. I see this pic as a large print in my office very soon!

On the rock platform looking out to the water.

Jade on the swing in color…

…and in black and white! Silly gal she is. But I love this pic!

There has been a heavy response to this pic on my Flickr feed and on my Facebook profile. I’m so glad I snapped this one, it was very unexpected! Anywho, this is my cuz Dave standing on treacherous volcanic rock. Notice there are no up close and personal shots on this end of the water. It was pretty rocky, and if you look out you will see a shallow reef where the waves are breaking.

SOOC image of Dave diving off of said rock. The water is amazing!

Here is a wicked silhouette of my mom! I like this pic bc she is web shy and you cannot detect her identity. I’m sure she will be happy with this picture!

This last image will probably hang on a wall in my house, very soon! The fossil and volcanic rock bring out a texture/dimension that you can almost touch and the colors are reminiscent of a beautiful palette of colors throughout my home (i.e: coppers, reds, yellows, a tinge of green and brown). If you’d like to download a copy of this and any other pic go my Flickr photostream. For prints feel free to shoot me an email! As always, thanks for reading!