Turkey in the City Pt.1

Last month i did a photo shoot in Manhattan, a week before i went to London. This was one of the quirkiest requests I’ve ever received. Apparently three young women visiting from Turkey, wanted to have some photos done while they were sight-seeing.   Here is a quote from the initial email, “…We just don’t want to stop somebody in the street and ask to take our photo anymore…”. I didn’t know what to think of it.

After a few phone conversations, I went to meet these young women outside The Plaza Hotel. We ended up having a blast in what turned out to be a rainy Sunday afternoon. This was one of the most easiest and fun shoots ive done. The “Turkey 3” were such great sports! Have a look at Tania…oh did I mention how gorgeous these gals are? Check Tania out, how beautiful is she?

More photos from this shoot to come.

Snow Day!

A snow day is a perfect day to edit photos. 🙂

Best of 2009 (Pro-Photos)

Yes, I know we’re in February now, but throw in a last minute trip to London for my Uncle’s Funeral, a huge workload throughout January, a virus on my studio computer and you have a blog post late by one month. These photos are my favorites that were taken in: Jamaica, Arizona, Brooklyn-NY, and Capital Hill-Albany.   So, without further ado, here are my favorite pro-photos of 2009. Thank you for allowing me to be inspired by all of you.

FYI. Each picture is tagged with a caption.

Gracie in the Cherry Blossoms

The Controversy that is Pedro Espada

Beam from the World Trade

Beam from the World Trade

Lolita 85


Howling Wolf

Gazebo at Moon Dance Cliffs, in Negril Jamaica

Sunset at Moon Dance Cliffs

View from my Balcony

"I've got you"

Sun is Shining

MJ's Biggest Fan


Jouvert Baby

Wave Your Flag


Sharif takes DUMBO...

Sharif Profile

Atini Guest House

In February, I traveled to England to visit my family. My Dad is the proprietor of Atini Guest House near  Addiscombe, which is in the boro of Croydon. Atini is a beautiful Victorian Mansion on Grant Road in a quiet area of London. The property is full of details and architectural delights. I just adore the color scheme throughout the house!  Here are some pics I took of the property while staying there; more images can be found in the set on Flickr.

I figured, why not start the shoot at the very top of the house, right underneath the skylight.

A pot of tea in every room : )

Wonderful weather on the day I took these pictures! I only had on a long sleeve t-shirt in February! Oh, and be sure to check out the rave reviews they are getting on TripAdvisor!

I found this guy catching some rays  in the back garden.